Quest:On the Offensive

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On the Offensive
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Gárwig
Starts at Lornsettle
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.8S, 61.0W]
Ends with Gárwig
Ends at Lornsettle
End Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.8S, 61.0W]
Quest Group Wildermore: Writhendowns
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'So much much death.'

Your heart goes out to this devastated old man. He has lost so much since the doom of snow and the White Hand came to Wildermore, more than anyone can bear to lose.

You decide that you will wreak some revenge upon the Orcs who did this. They rarely camp far from their intended victims, and so there must be a White Hand camp in the Writhendowns.


Gárwig wants to scare the White Hand Orcs from attempting to attack Forlaw again. To achieve this, he wants the road leading to Forlaw to be lined with Orc-heads on stakes.

Objective 1

  • Collect Orc-heads (0/6)
  • Collect wooden stakes (0/6)

A White Hand Orc camp can be found in the eastern Writhendowns -- the same Orcs that followed the giant Núrzum into Scylfig.

You should wreak revenge upon the Orcs, collecting their heads to raise as a warning to the enemies of Wildermore.

Gárferth: 'I bid you welcome! Cyneberg told us of your valour at Scylfig.'
Edsig: 'Cyneberg told us that you defended Scylfig like it was your own home. I thank you for that, <name>.'

Objective 2

  • Place the mounted Orc-heads along the road leading to Forlaw (0/6)

The road to Forlaw wraps around the city.

You should plant the Orc-heads upon stakes along the road.

Placed a mounted Orc-head in the ground (x/6)

Objective 3

  • Tell Gárwig of your revenge upon the Orcs

Gárwig is in Lornsettle, the Mead Hall of Forlaw.

You have delivered some vengeance to the White Hand Orcs, and should now return to Gárwig.

Gárwig: 'I will be glad to see our roads lined with the heads of those who helped to murder my kin. A thousand curses upon brutes who did this, the giant and the Orcs and Saruman who leads them all with his White Hand upon their helms.'